Tuesday, December 20, 2005
So this is apparenlty me. Yay for having internet that doesn't cost me money!
I will get round to writing about Moscow and stuff in more detail, but for now I'm just going to say that I made it to Chicago safely (and they let me in the country with remarkable ease) and it's my birthday! So celebrations will be had.
(A very confused as to the time zone) Sara xx
Friday, December 16, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Last full day in Krasnoyarsk
Thursday, December 08, 2005
It's been a crazy few days...
Thursday, December 01, 2005
I was on tv!
It was all a little strange...
I'd been told that it would be on between 8-9am. That was fine, maybe
a little early for my taste but sacrifices could be made for my tv
debut. However, when I emerged just after 8 my haziaika a) was very
surprised to see me that early and b) told me that the piece had been
shown at 7.15. Well. I went back to my room and texted the crew,
saying not to bother getting up because it had been on, when there was
a shout from the kitchen - "It's being repeated!" So I got to watch
myself trundling around Krasnoyarsk and making silly grammatical
mistakes after all. My haziaika found it hilarious, I cringed. But
still, it was an experience.
Now I just need to get a copy...
Follwing from this, we were in lessons yesterday when the Dean came in
and asked to speak to the teacher. Fine, ok. The teacher came back in
and told us that we'd been "invited" to teach at a school on Friday
and that the Dean was quite keen that we did it. Why do we keep
getting volunteered for things? And why did she not ask us herself,
since she came down to find us anyway? So this has been causing much
unhappiness, with people feeling like they should go even though they
don't want to. I, on the other hand, said "Sod that" and so did Ben
and Christine. It's our last (full) weekend in Krasnoyarsk people, we
have things we want to do! I don't like being volunteered for things,
and especially when the person who did the volunteering won't even
tell us herself.... <angry>
But, there's good news too. I have my plane tickets! So I can actually
leave the country all legally and stuff and not have to stow away and
freeze to death in the wheel carriage space. This is a relief to all
Apart from that, we have a busy time until we leave. Tonight we're
going for coffee with Julia (need to leave soon), tomorrow there's
teaching and a goodbye party thing for us at the school, and maybe
ice-skating, and I'm sure there were at least 3 other things we had
pencilled in for tomorrow. Our list includes films, theatre, more
skiing, dinner at Renata's (the Canadian girl), shopping for presents
and vodka, clubbing, general hanging out with Russians, along with
somehow going to uni and doing the work for that too. We need a group
diary. Or a secretary, that'd be good. Send your CVs to...
Well, time for me to be off. I may get chance to write again before we
leave for Moscow, but if not, well, you'll have to wait won't you?
Love to all xx
Coffee is thicker than water...
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Another week done
Coffee is thicker than water...
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Post offices
Coffee is thicker than water...
Thursday, November 17, 2005
I'm famous!
Coffee is thicker than water...
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Russia really gets me sometimes
Coffee is thicker than water...
Monday, November 14, 2005
The weekend of frantic busyness
Friday, November 11, 2005
We're just too busy
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Friday, November 04, 2005
It's cold here now
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
Whew that was a long email yesterday. And I didn't get through half of
what we did...
Currently I have so much to do and I'm a little scared. Trying to sort
out Canadian visas seems to be the main thing (it says I can apply in
"the country where I was legally admitted" - does that mean I can
apply at the embassy in Moscow, or do I have to send all my stuff to
London? Answers on a postcard please... or actually by email or by
comment, since postcards wouldn't reach me in time). Yes I know I
should have sorted this all out already, and really if the worst comes
to the worst I can still go and sit in on university classes without a
problem until my money runs out. This is just to see if I can get
paid, which would be nice. The YMCA in Montreal has a language school,
so I've emailed them to see if I could help out there. I've also said
I can work in the centres themselves if there's work going there. Hope
I didn't sound too desperate (although I am by now!)
On a more relaxing note... nope I don't have one. I'm trying to
negotiate the perils of the Russian postal system to send people
letters and things, but I don't think I'm in the correct state of mind
today (or ever, really, but I'm going to try very soon).
I would like to still be in Mongolia and not worrying about these things!
We're going to book the train to Moscow in December soon too (Monday?)
so Fi, if you can't have us all staying now's the time to let us know!
On the plus side, it's supposed to snow soon. I'm sceptical. I also
just spelt sceptical with a k, silly American spelling taking over!
Right, I'm going to find out what's going on in the world and stop
typing random crap. You can all breathe a sigh of relief.
(Rob, thanks for calling this morning - that made me happy)
Coffee is thicker than water...
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I'm back!
Mongolia was great fun, not least because we managed to actually get there...
But I can't say much now, it's Sophie's birthday and we've just been
to the banya (so much fun, feel so clean) - so I need to get home and
eat, so I can go out and drink beer later :)
More soon (probably tomorrow)
Sara xx
Coffee is thicker than water...
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Monday, October 10, 2005
We're going to Irkutsk!
Coffee is thicker than water...
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Let's see if this will work...
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Lessee... rugby match is where I left off last time (not through choice). There was a lot of shouting, as you might expect - many cries of "davai, davai!" which literally means "give" - wasn't sure whether that was telling the players to actually pass the ball, or more in a Canadian "give'er" kind of style. From watching my amazing 6 films on one DVD, I learned that it's the equivalent of the English "go on!". So that's that mystery solved.
There were also cheerleaders, which was a little surreal. They were mostly a distraction from the pitch when the ref and players were having a disagreement - someone would start up the music and they'd run through their routine. Then the argument would still be going on, but the dancers would have run out of dances, so they'd stand there and watch what was happening until another song was put on and they'd start all over again. Amusing.
And of course the important thing was that Krasniy Yar (our team, of course) won! Take that, all you people in Moscow :) . Of course the ref was biased and there were soooo many tackles that even I could tell were illegal (diving on someone at head height, or dragging them down by their shirt)... but we still won. It was exciting.
In other exciting news, we now have train tickets to Irkutsk and back! We need to get there to get visas for Mongolia. If we don't manage that, we can enjoy Lake Baikal. Perfect. We leave on the 12th of October, and get back on the 25th... wish us luck!
What else... oh yeah, it was Nadia's birthday yesterday (my hostess's daughter) which was interesting... there was a lot of beer. I was surprised it wasn't vodka, and secretly kind of glad - given the hangover I have today, if it had been vodka I think I would have been very ill...
It started off all very civilised with a meal (there were prawns! Well I found that exciting) and three 2 litre bottles of beer between 4 of us. Then there was cake (provided by me, cos I'm good like that) and then I ended up going out with Nadia and her friends to drink beer in a school yard.
Yet again I wrote out a huge amount of detail about what we did, and yet again I lost it, this time when saving it... why can the page not be found!? I think I'm just going to write everything out in an email to Rob from now on, and he can post it for me. Sorry everyone, but it's now 6.30, I want to go home and recover from my hangover and I'm annoyed that I've just spent at least half an hour on this only to lose it because Russian computers don't like me.
(Note to self: write about the rest of Nadia's birthday, the ballet and Divnogorsk)
Monday, September 26, 2005
So let's see, what's happened since last time... ah yes, Stolby. It's soo pretty! For any climbers reading this, it's like Font (but with more broken glass due to the Russian habit of drinking piva - beer - as often as possible. I've seen them on the bus on my way into uni with an open bottle in hand...). For everyone else, it's a huge national park type thing with lots of hills, trees and the stolby themselves (which are huge rocks that are randomly scattered about the place). Surprisingly, I didn't do much climbing! And nothing too technical. I was basically too slow, Ben beat me to it and then the teacher we were with started pleading with us not to do it... and yet she led the way up a different rock later on. Weird.
So anyway, looking out over the Siberian forest from the top of a stolby and seeing all the different coloured trees... autumn literally arrived overnight, so where on Thursday everything was green, on Friday there were so many different shades of yellow etc. Poetic. I don't know what I mean by that.
Saturday we went to a market, which was fun if intimidating... luckily I wasn't looking for anything, but those who were kept getting accosted by the Kazakh stall owners, saying "Please look, girls, try this, try that, why are you going away?!". We managed to escape alive though, although it was a bit close at times! :)
Sunday was the day of work. Sad, I know, but it has to happen sometime! What with grammar and then Gulya on Monday, it's a bit of a tough way to start the week (although most of our grammar lessons so far have been on phonetics - ie how to pronounce these sounds that don't exist in English. I thought I could do them pretty well, but apparently not...). In the evening though we went to see a rugby match - that was so much fun! It cost us a whole 50r to get in (about a pound), and then Ben got stopped by the militsia, which was scary... turns out they just wanted to check whether he had any alcohol in his bag. He didn't, to which the militsia man replied "What, don't you drink in England?!" Ah, if only he knew...
(I wrote out a really detailed description of the rugby match and other things, and then lost it when it wouldn't post despite the fact that I'd saved it as a draft... now I'm too disheartened to write it out again, so maybe next time! Stupid IE!)
Friday, September 23, 2005
My haziyaika (hostess type person) made pirozhki (pies) at 11 o'clock last night... they were sooo good fresh from the frying pan... Think I might actually head home and eat some more :)
More when I have something interesting to say!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
But, all is still going well here. I am now the proud owner of furry boots! And no, they're not stilettos, I decided to be practical (and stillettos aren't really me anyways). They're not actually needed yet, since the weather has now decided to be chilly in the morning and then really warm in the afternoons... this causes a dilemma, because the university building is freezing! We asked one of our teachers today about heating, and she said that heating in Russia is not like in Britain (or anywhere else on the known planet, for that matter) - instead of each building having its own system, the whole town is on one central heating system... and because it's so warm still, we don't get heating until the bosses in their offices get cold. Boo.
In other, rather more exciting news, we're finally getting trips to Mongolia sorted! We're down to looking for accommodation and finalising train times so we can make sure everything connects and then buy tickets... it's exciting! (But hard work). I could not be a travel rep, it's hard enough trying to make sure I'm where I need to be, never mind 300 other people!
We're also making new friends. The best way to do this (or one that works so far) is to sit in the canteen at uni and talk in English till someone comes over to practise their English with us, at which point we terrify them with our appalling Russian... there's benefits of being put in the foreign languages department (the building does not class as a benefit).
Hope everyone is doing well, I might get around to writing letters (ha!) or more likely postcards to people at some point. Send me your address if you want one, cos then I'll have fewer excuses not to write.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
This I tried to write the other day, but it wouldn't let me post for some reason (and my Russian isn't up to explaining computer problems!)
"We now have tickets for the ballet! "Romeo and Juliet" is on for two nights only in the Teatre operi i baleta, and we have tickets for the first night. They cost all of 200r (4 pounds!)
That's the excitement of the day so far.
We also got our passports back yesterday, so we can now start booking travel and things. One of our teachers recommended that we go to Mongolia in October before it gets too cold, so soon it's off to the train station to find out when things can happen...
We also plan to go to Lake Baikal at some point. Most of us want to go there in the snow, but Ben now wants to go swimming. According to the Lonely Planet, if you dip your hands in the water, you add a year to your life, dip your feet in for five extra years and swim for 25... if the shock doesn't kill you first. I think he's crazy, although we have said that we'll break the ice for him and stand by with a flask of brandy.
I think the teachers here have got something wrong. I mean, this is supposed to be a year off right? They keep giving us work! :P Yes Mum, am actually doing it too. Be proud.
Last night was a quiet one (because Sunday wasn't)... stayed in and listened to some of Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" while following it in the Russian copy I bought the other day. It actually works remarkably well - the audiobook is a little bit faster than I can read in Russian, but I can follow it well enough to know when things have been changed or missed out (and that's all that matters!)
Now I'm just putting off going home and doing work... suppose I really should though.
Or I could mention the huge amount of mosquito bites that I've managed to gain. Stupid mosquitos, leave me alone! apparently I'm tasty. Who knew (well except for Amy, who wanted to eat my arm shortly before I left.. and she wonders why I decided to go so far away! :P ).
One more thing before I go (this keyboard is pants) - it costs me to receive calls from abroad, which is not good. So warn me if you're going to call, then I can buy more credit!
More random stuff soon (I should write stuff down as it happens, then type it all out in one go... this relying on my memory thing means that things appear in a really strange order!)"
Maybe it's not a bad thing that it wouldn't let me post.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Rob called this morning! :) That made me happy. Although we got cut off partway through and then it kept saying that my number was suspended (apparently) and I can't send him texts any more... will have to work this out. Maybe I need more credit already.
There are lots of Ladas here, it reminds me of my youth :) (for those who don't know, my dad used to have Ladas. They've got good heaters!)
We're probably going to play pool tonight with the Russian lads that have adopted us... we were sitting having a beer at a cafe on the street (a whole 25r - 50p!), and they heard us talking in English and came and joined in... our conversations are in a mixture of Russian and English, so it's good practice! They seem very nice, am a bit wary but there's 6 of us and 2 of them, so we manage well.
Anyway, think I should be off now... coffee to drink! (and some work to do, but have all day tomorrow too. Bought a dictionary yesterday, mine was too heavy to bring! And it was 89r, which I thought was pretty good).
Hope everything is well where you are!
Friday, September 09, 2005
1) They all smoke. Everyone seems very surprised that none of us Durhamites smoke, and with cigarettes costing about 9roubles a packet, it's not hard to see why! Maybe I should take it up just so I can think about how much I'm saving by not smoking in England :)
2) Every woman under 35 wears stillettos. All the time. Apparently that doesn't change when it starts to snow either...
Autumn is much like that in England, it likes to rain. A lot.
It's Christine's birthday today, so we went to the zoo! It was actually quite depressing in places, makes you realise just how good English/North American zoos are. Although I now want a reindeer, because we were feeding one grass and it let us stroke its nose... it was soooo soft! Oooh and possibly a yak, because I've never seen one before and it was like a walking carpet :)
It got cold, so we ate the chocolate cake we bought and then went back into town and straight into the nearest cafe. We're planning on going to a restaurant in a bit, and then to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory... although it'll be in Russian, so "Charli u Shokoladniy Fabrike"... I'm so excited!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Don't ever fly British Airways, they're useless. Took an hour and a half to check in (at a desk that was checking in for any BA flight), so the vouchers we were given to get food with (because the caterers are on strike) were useless as we had to go straight to the gate for boarding... by the time we got to Moscow we were starving! And then they lost Ben's bag, which still hasn't turned up, so the poor lad is in the same clothes he's been wearing since Sunday...
Need to find a better way of accessing the internet. This place is in a courtyard through a scary alley and I'm not a fan.
Russia itself is odd. The buildings are all exactly like you see on teh news (usually where there's a war going on) - all 60s Soviet buildings that look a little the worse for wear. Getting around is really easy though, buses go everywhere and cost a grand total of 7 roubles per journey. Considering there's 52 roubles to the pound, I think that's pretty bargainous!
The family is nice, although I have great difficulty in communicating... I'm getting about 1 word in every 4 or 5, which is just about enough to get by as long as I don't mind teh looks of patient waiting that cross their faces.
And today we were taught by... Gulya! Yes, the miniature Russian of the first year has... well, not returned axactly, but reappeared in our lives. And I understand her a lot more now than I did then, so that's got to be a good sign.
What else? It's been a crazy few days. Oooh we got our timetables, yay for 2 lessons a day (even if they are an hour and a half each) and Fridays off! And the head of the International dept said that if we want to go travelling, we just have to let her know how many lessons we're going to miss... hehehe. Although Gulya has decided to give us a lot of reading to do, so now I'm regretting not bringing my big fat Russian dictionary (even though I couldn't have carried it)... ah well, time to brave the Russian bookshop!
More when I find out how to get to the internet more often.
Sara xx
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Did nothing at all last week, it was... quite boring actually. So on Saturday we (my mum, my sister and myself) went to the Tate Liverpool to see an exhibition on psychedelia. It made my head hurt in various different ways... my sister said I blended in. The cheek. My hair's not even that bright at the moment! Then today (all this weekend in fact, but we went today) it was the Matthew St Festival, also in Liverpool - lots of free stages round the city, with various bands and things happening. It was pretty good, and the atmosphere was decent - probably because all the pubs were checking ID, although this did mean that we couldn't go and see any of the bands playing in the pubs (Amy's still underage, awww).
So having not been to Liverpool in a very very long time, I've now been there twice in 3 days, and am going back again on Thursday cos Mindy's coming up! Yay! (Mindy was one of my housemates last year - can't believe that went by so fast - and we were each other's worst influences :) so next year isn't going to be the same without her!)
And on Saturday I'm heading down to London, and then it's off to Russia on Sunday... I'm a little scared.
There'll probably be more later this week when I'm discovering that I'm actually going to Russia. It's still not quite real...
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
This is at Ingolf, which is where another branch of the family have their cottages. I spent a long time making "'nakes" for Matthew out of PlayDoh. I love PlayDoh.
Two different views down this lake - one at night as people were leaving, and one the following morning as we set off to find the aliens.
Hey look it's me! Relaxing on an amazingly comfy wooden chair after a hard evening of PlayDoh 'nake making and blueberry pie eating (the pie was real, not PlayDoh... and soooo good!)
Another pretty sky shot. This is what evenings at the lake are all about.
The cottage itself, I think with Claire and Brian inside.
Looking down from the cottage towards the lake.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
My last update was on the way to Winnipeg, I believe. In the three weeks since then (has it really been that long?) I've spent a week at Camp Stephens (where I spent the summer of my gap year in 2003 and have been back every year since... so that's only two years, but it really is in the middle of a lake and I feel that's dedication - www.campstephens.com), and then a week out at Rob's family's cabin two islands away. Then came the sad day when we had to head back down to Chicago (well sad for Rob, since it meant he was going back to work). The border crossing this time took all of about 30 seconds, which was a miracle, but a much appreciated one! Eventually, after a 14 hour drive, we arrived back in Naperville where Rob's brother Ian and his significant other Alison were waiting for us. This week has been much chilling out with Ian and Alison (well, for me - Rob's been working), staying in the condo downtown and eating out a lot, so everyone is now feeling fat and poor. Oops.
I'll put some photos up at some point, Rob has a fancy new camera so there's a LOT of photos knocking around. Just not on this computer yet.
Anyways, it's off to drink beer and watch films for me. What a good Friday night.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Getting over here was a lot easier than I expected. Since I now have a Russian visa in my passport, I was expecting a lot of hassle from the border people (or "Department of Homeland Security", as they're rather pompously known). However, it was really easy - the guy didn't seem to want to talk, so I got through with no problems. Yay me.
So I've spent a few days in sunny Chicago. It's been ridiculously hot, with lots and lots of humidity. Is it really a normal thing to have temperatures of 77 degrees Farenheit (dunno what that is Celsius, I'm not good at converting) at 7 am? Cos I don't like it and think it should be banned. At least when the humidity is 80% (uuurgh sticky!)
But apart from the stickiness, I like Chicago. I spent most of my time there sunbathing in Millennium Park (www.millenniumpark.org), where I got horrifically sunburnt. And then spent a lot of time hiding from the sun in the shade and listening to the orchestra practising for one of their shows (hehehe free live classical music! Very classy).
Now I'm in a hotel in Duluth, Minnesota on the way up to Canada. We could probably have been chilling out at the Lake of the Woods by now, except that Rob cleverly left his passport in Chicago... we only realised when we were about 5 hours away from Chicago, having driven till 2.30am and slept for a few hours before getting back on the road. This was not fun! After a few frantic phone calls, Rob's mum agrees to drive up and meet us halfway with the passport and all-important Green Card... because Mums are amazing. So we met, 2 1/2 hours later, in a place called Madison which didn't seem to be very exciting except that we had lunch. Then it was back on the road, and by 5.30 pm we managed to pass the place where we had turned around seven hours earlier...
We've just been out for possibly the best Thai food ever, so now I'm very very full and ready for bed. Ooooh and the exciting thing was that Rob had his ID checked, but I'd left mine in the car (because it was my turn to forget something) and the waiter guy wasn't bothered! This is a rare thing and I was quite impressed.
Well it was exciting for me anyway. I might be 21, but I don't seem to look it.
This is a long long post eh?
Just a couple more things, and then I'll go to bed. One is Harry Potter - if you haven't read it, do so RIGHT NOW! And if you have, can I just say "Oh my God!" quite a lot? I'm not going to spoil it for anyone, from fear of severe pain and/or death, but seriously - why?
And the other is that I'm going to be out at camp (www.campstephens.com) next week, so no more from me. Ok, no real surprise there, but at least this time you know, right? This camp is where I worked in my gap year, and it has this amazing hold on people... they just keep going back! I love it. Hopefully (and don't tell anyone) I'll be there for the full 4 month period next year, as part of my year abroad... well, lots of the Canadians speak French, I can practice with them!
That's quite enough from me for now. Hope everyone is well etc etc etc, leave me comments!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
So I spent last Thursday in Edinburgh, which was good. I was up there to get a Russian visa, because Marianna (my Russian tutor at Durham) said that it was easier to get to and more relaxed than the one in London. I'm glad, because we know what happened in London on Thursday. To all those affected, I'm thinking of you. Stay brave.
What else? Erm... I was working at the NorthWest Face Indoor Climbing Centre over the weekend, which was fun. I've worked there for far longer than I care to admit now, I think it's almost six years. Considering I'm only 21, I think that's good going!
And exciting events of the week include getting the deposit back from the house I was living in last year, so that's gone straight in the bank to try and reduce my (scarily large) overdraft. I like getting money back. It's a good feeling. There's also a wedding reception on Saturday (not me... my Mum's cousin and his fiancee), and then I'm off to Chicago on Sunday to see my boy again! Yay!
Ok that's enough for now. I might update again before I leave to see Rob, or I might just leave it till I'm there and bored while he's at work.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
This was taken at Navy Pier in Chicago, when I was visiting Rob, my boy (http://syrrys.blogspot.com). That was a good day.
I've spent the past 3 days in Manchester hunting for the Chinese embassy... it's in the middle of Rusholme, in case you need to know. Not in Chinatown, but Rusholme (the Curry Capital of the North-West). So having found it, I still can't get a visa cos that has to be done within three months of the date of travel. Since I aim to be travelling through in December, now is not the time to get a visa. Bah.
I suppose I should explain myself. I'm a languages student at the University of Durham, studying French and Russian. I've just finished my second year, and next year is the fabled year abroad... so I'm off to Russia (Krasnoyarsk in Siberia) in September, with the aim of getting the Trans-Siberian train across Russia, through Mongolia and into China at the end of the placement. Hence my need for visas.
So far the organisation for this is not going well. I never claimed to be organised, but it seems to be expected...
Friday, June 17, 2005
Oh and I don't know why it's decided that it's 6.23AM here, cos it blatantly isn't... I'll keep changing the time and date till it remembers (or I forget, one of the two).