Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Here's a summary of what I've been up to in the past couple of weeks:


  • Moving from Montreal to Chicago, on a Greyhound via Toronto, Buffalo and Cleveland
  • Meeting my Mum at the airport (first time I've been standing on that side of the doors!)
  • Being a tourist in Chicago with Mum for a few days
  • Driving (or more accurately, being driven) up to Kenora and spending a few days out at the Lake of the Woods, showing Mum round camp and catching up with people there and generally enjoying the lake-ness of it all
  • Driving across to Regina to meet up with the Tullochs, going to a concert that Ian's school was doing, driving round Regina in the rain (it's where Rob grew up and I'd never been there)
  • More driving up to Naicam for the wedding of James (Rob's cousin) and Kelly (which was so much fun, even though we were camping in the rain and Mum got to stay in the hotel in the next town – the town was full of wedding party people and there were no more rooms)
  • Leaving bright and early the following morning and driving south for 14 hours one day and then 9 the next
  • Having dinner at Naperville when we got there, then heading back into the centre of Chicago for the night
  • Packing Rob off to work the next day and going shopping with Mum before taking her back to the airport exhausted
  • Trying to have a quiet couple of days cleaning and tidying before James and Kelly came to use the condo for their honeymoon – this was thwarted by video games and then Rob being recruited for softball
  • Meeting James and Kelly and then going out for beer and pizza, and then walking round Chicago at 1am looking at all the fancy cars
  • Shopping at the outlet village on Saturday, then having a barbecue out in Naperville
  • Going to the track that John (Rob's dad) is a member of and getting driven round it very fast, then making the cars limp home with no brake pads left (that was more scary than the track!)
  • Playing in the Children's Garden in the Arboretum J
  • Realising that I've got so much to write it'll take me about three weeks to get it all done.


So as you can see, been a bit busy! I'll spend time this week writing it all up, probably in sections so I don't get too bored and neither do you.


Also want to say Happy Father's Day to my Dad – there's a card, but it's not even posted yet… I'm a bad daughter.

Coffee is thicker than water...


1 comment:

avatar_of_cunning said...

Well I can see the comment count now, but up until today it was showing 0. That's very odd.